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Transcribed from a YouTube video.
Francis Scott Key, a lawyer from Baltimore, had just successfully negotiated a one-to-one prisoner exchange with the British and went down into the hold of the ship to tell the men that they would be free that very evening. Back on deck, the British Admiral told him they would still honor their commitment, but that it really wouldn't matter, because the entire British war fleet was 2 ½ hours away, and they had orders to destroy Fort McHenry. Francis Scott Key told the Admiral that Fort McHenry was a large fort, full of women and children - predominantly not military.
The Admiral commented that they had provided a way out for the people of the Fort - an ultimatum. If they would take down the American flag from its pole up on the rampart, the shelling would stop immediately. It would be understood as surrender, and the young United States would be under British rule.
Francis Scott Key told the men about the ultimatum and the hundreds of ship drawing near, and promised to shout down to them what was happening.
At twilight, the British ships arrived and unleashed a deafening, unceasing barrage. The prisoners - the men in the hold - prayed. They shouted up "What have they done with the flag? Do you see the Flag?" A bomb would explode near the rampart and Francis Scott Key would shout down "It's still there, I still see the flag!"
Rae Chornenky, President of the National Federation of Republican Women, (NFRW), gave a speech at the fall convention of the Colorado Federation of Republican Women in which she stated evidence from many different sources that there really does seem to be a War on Women. Read the statistics below and decide for yourself, if you are a women or are related to a woman, which party is on your side and which is fighting against you.
- The Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics announced some time ago that 92 percent of jobs lost since Obama took office were women’s jobs.Job recovery for women has not only started later than that of men, but the rate has been slower.
- Young women have fared even worse under Obama.Their unemployment rate has risen from 12.5 percent to 14.4 percent.
- The poverty rate among women has skyrocketed to the highest level in 17 years.
- The extreme poverty rate (income below half of the federal poverty line) is the highest rate ever recorded among women.
- More than 40 percent of single mothers live in poverty.
- With more than half of poor children living in female-headed households in 2010, the child poverty rate jumped to 22 percent.
- The majority of older women in America are unable to cover their basic living expenses and the percentage of those in distress is 50 percent higher than that of men.Three out of five women over the age of 65 have incomes that can’t pay for their basic daily needs.
- In the Obama White House, in figures released for 2011, the median salary for female employees on the White House staff is 18 percent less than that of their male counterparts.
- The Obama campaign’s recent filings with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) revealed it paid women more than 5 percent less than men during the months of May and June.
- Female employees of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) earn significantly less than their male counterparts.A review of salary data filed with the FEC reveals that the DNC paid female staff members $500 less on average than male staffers in July 2012.
- More than a dozen Democratic Senators paid their female staff members at least 20 percent less than male staffers during 2011.
- House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi paid her female staff members almost 30 percent less than male staffers in 2011.
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