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To contact your county GOP bonus members and request that they advocate on behalf of the people.
The SCC voting members consists of:
Sponsor for coffee and breakfast foods
Seeking pastors to lead us in prayer! Have your pastor sign up for a 5 minute prayer slot!
We are seeking pastors or strong prayer warriors to lead the group in prayer. We will have a mobile projection system.
There are 3 x 10 minute and 1 x 25 minute time slots available.
Please sign up on this signup genius link (there are a few ads because it's a free service, just ignore them!)
Schedule of events
7-7:30 Arrive, social and enjoy complimentary coffee and bagels courtesy of our donors
7:30-Event intro by Shannon Buckley
7:45- Prayer session begins
8:30- The delegates will have entered the building
8:40-9- Break
9- Central committee meeting begins
9-9:30 Prayer session
We invite attendees to stay until 9:30 to continue to pray during the beginning portion of the meeting.
Patriots who represent the people will be fighting for an honest election using paper ballots in the first 30 minutes of the meeting. We have a longer time slot available during time, at the same time the battle is taking place inside the meeting.
WATCH! May and Shannon toured the Denver Marriott to prepare for the Prayer Rally -
(She commented that parking at the Marriott is $10. It was confirmed that the GOP has rented out the parking lot as part of the agreement with the hotel.)
FYI: The central committee meeting is open to the public. I am not aware of capacity or procedures on how many will be allowed to attend. I want to at least inform you of this as a possibility and I invite you check into the option on your own. - Shannon
We will be broadcasting via a zoom link
so people can view remotely and pray with us.
Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to sign up!